Pusheen Sandwich Bento

Pusheen Sandwich Bento (1)

I was requested by a friend to make Pusheen Bento!

Since I have made this fat cat :P Pusheen using rice in an earlier bento creation here, I decided that for this bento I will make this a Pusheen Sandwich.

Do you know Pusheen?

If you are a user of Facebook’s messenger and the emoticon stickers, you may also  be familiar with this cute fat cat.

Pusheen is actually a popular animated webcomic series that has spin off numerous merchandise and products. He has quite a huge following online as well.

Pusheen Sandwich Bento (4)So here is my Pusheen Sandwich Bento! Ta–daaaa~~~~

I think the sandwich end result was pretty awesome, and 3-D too! Especially that donut. haha

I was inspired by my friend’s Pusheen plushie that holds a donut in his hands.

pusheen donut

To make Pusheen in this creation, I prepared and cut out bread pieces into the shapes and parts of Pusheen.

Pusheen Sandwich Bento (2)

I then slathered one an even layer of sesame whip spread on the bread for the grey colour of Pusheen.

The darker strips on Pusheen were seaweed pieces, but the eyes, nose/mouth and whiskers were actually black sesame paste spread.

For the mini donut, I cut the bread slice into a small donut shape, spread on some peanut whip spread followed by some cream cheese spread (mixed in with a little pink food coloring).

And there is the first Pusheen sandwich packed in my bento.

While you cannot see, I have another slice of bread below to form a sandwich and also so that it is propped up in the bento box.

Pusheen Bento (3)Another iconic (for me personally) look of Pusheen is him in the unicorn get up.

It is super hilarious. Pusheen Unicorn

And so I made him as well.

The colours for the unicorn mane and tail is made from cream cheese mixed in with some gel food coloring.

I had so much fun making this Pusheen bento creation and I sure hope you like it too.

Pusheen Bento (2)

Follow my bento creations, food art and food styling journey on my Facebook my page here or my Instagram here.
More info on my bento cookbook titled ‘Kawaii Bento’  here and my 2nd cookbook titled ‘Kawaii Deco Sushi’ out now in stores here!
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