Pusheen the Cat Bento


Pusheen the Cat Bento today!

Pusheen the cat is the popular chubby gray cat character from an animated webcomic series. Super super adorable. Some of you might be familiar with Pusheen via emoticon stickers on social media platforms such as Facebook. Pusheen the cat even has her own published book and a dedicated Facebook page with over 7 million likes~wow!

Pusheen the cat is my favorite emoticon sticker to use on Facebook ^ ^

Decided to make this cute cat character, Pusheen in today’s bento :) Making this Pusheen bento made me felt happy!

To make Pusheen the cat, the rice was colored with ground black sesame, which made the rice so fragrant! The cheeks and details were made of seaweed and pink kamaboko.

Today’s side dishes were steamed corn, prawns sauteed with ketchup sauce and mirin, stiry fry french beans with carrots.

Follow my food art and bento creations on my Facebook my page here or my Instagram here. :)
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  • 婉婉下午茶 Wan Wan
    July 30, 2014


    • Shirley Wong
      July 30, 2014


  • bentodays
    July 29, 2014

    Adorable bento and love the pictures of Pusheen that you have shared.

    • Shirley Wong
      July 30, 2014

      Awww thank you so much!! :) Pusheen is just so cute!